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Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

Weekly report III
February, 23 2010
Command of Theoretical Knowledge about Language Acquisition, language Learning, and Human Behavior

- Characteristic of Language in General
1. Learning is psychological process
2. Learning is conscious process
3. Learning is an active-receptive process
4. Learning is a continual, lifelong, and reinforcement process
5. Learning is a perceiving, selecting, intaking, and storing information process
6. Learning is an objective-oriental process
-. Language learning
The learning assimilation facility hypothesis states that human being learn a language using their capacity for symbolic thought and their ability to assimilate a complex system of thought
Language and Language Learning Viewed from Language Teaching Method
Theory of language = Language is a set of structure that related with situation
Theory of learning = memorization and habit formation

Weekly report III
February, 23 2010
Command of Theoretical Knowledge about Language Acquisition, language Learning, and Human Behavior

- Characteristic of Language in General
1. Learning is psychological process
2. Learning is conscious process
3. Learning is an active-receptive process
4. Learning is a continual, lifelong, and reinforcement process
5. Learning is a perceiving, selecting, intaking, and storing information process
6. Learning is an objective-oriental process
-. Language learning
The learning assimilation facility hypothesis states that human being learn a language using their capacity for symbolic thought and their ability to assimilate a complex system of thought
Language and Language Learning Viewed from Language Teaching Method
Theory of language = Language is a set of structure that related with situation
Theory of learning = memorization and habit formation

Learning and Foreign language learning Viewed from Human Behavior in Terms of Learners Psychological Development
Children : They are curious and motivating so that they need to be involved in something physically active. Their span of attention of concentration-their willingness to stay rooted in one activity is short so that they need frequent changes simulating activities to simulate their curiosity; they are seeking for teacher approval so that they need to be appreciated by the teacher; and they usually respond well to activities that center on heir lives and experiences so that explaining grammar and rules will be ineffective the younger the learners are.
Adolescent : They have brittle personality so that they need peer approval; they have emotional barrier and fossilized pronunciation as the influence of their mother tongue so that they always avoid making mistakes, they need right challenges; and building up their own identity so that they need a patron.
Adults : They have instrumental extrinsic motivation in the sense that they have a determined objective to active so that they are self motivated; they also have emotional barrier to fossilized pronunciation as the influence of their mother tongue.

Command of Knowledge in the Subject Matter
- An EFL teacher is required to have good command of knowledge in English. He should know about the language well. (there must have linguistics competence) and became the good language us model of his students.
- Linguistics competence consist of phonological, morphological, lexical, syntactical, and discourse competence
- Sociolinguistics competences consist of the ability to produce and recognize socially appropriate language within a given socio-cultural context.

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